Death Note was first serialized by Shueisha in the Japanese manga magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from December 2003 to May 2006, with 108 chapters in total. The series has been published in its entirety in twelve volumes in Japan. Death Note was licensed for North American publication by Viz Media, and the first English-language volume was released on October 4, 2005. The manga has since been published in several different languages including English, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish. Viz has released all twelve volumes of Death Note in English, as well as the How To Read 13 guidebook. To date, Death Note has sold around twenty million copies in Japan and was nominated for Best Manga at the 2006 American Anime Awards. On October 13, 2006, shortly after the release of the final volume, a guidebook titled Death Note 13: How to Read was published. The guidebook served as a series encyclopedia, including character files, a timeline, interviews and the like. In January 2008, the booklet L FILE No. 15 was published with two additional one-shot chapters: L: The Wammy's House and L: One Day. L: The Wammy's House begins when Watari first brings L to the orphanage as a child, and L: One Day is about L as an adult. In February 2008, a one-shot epilogue chapter was published in Weekly Shounen Jump. Set two years after the manga's epilogue, it sees the introduction of a new Kira and the reactions of the main characters in response to the copycat's appearance. From 2010 to 2011, a set of six omnibus volumes with updated translations, titled the Black Edition, were released in English. Publication of said volumes began December 28, 2010 and ended November 1, 2011. In 2012, fully colorized, digital volumes of the entire manga series were released online. In addition to the coloring, there are minor tweaks to some of the drawings. On October 2, 2016, the Death Note All-in-One Edition was released. It is a reprint of the manga series compiled in a single omnibus volume. Sometime in April 2019, it was announced that a new one-shot chapter would be released.[2] It was physically released on February 4, 2020, in the March edition of Jump Square magazine. It was later announced December 2020 that a new compilation volume containing this chapter and various other self-contained one-shots would release February 4, 2021 in Japan.